কো-লোকেশন সেবা

A colocation (colo) is a data center facility in which a business can rent space for servers and other computing hardware. Typically, a colo provides the building, cooling, power, bandwidth and physical security while the customer provides servers and storage.

BSCCL has started Colocation services besides its main IPLC and IP Transit services with buiding world class Data Center. Currently BSCCL provides Colocation services from below location:
1. Dhaka, IIG Data Center, 191/B, Gulshan-Tejgoan Link Road, Dhaka
2. Cox’s Bazar, SEA-ME-WE-4 Landing Station, Jhilonga, Cox’s Bazar
3. Kuakata, SEA-ME-WE-5 Cable Landing Station, Kuakata, Patuakhali

Feature of Data Center

–> CCTV integrated with access control and alarm system.

–> 24x7x365 onsite security & user friendly monitoring system

–> Very early Smoke Detection system

–> Fire fighiting system

–> Redundant and precise Cooling system

–> High availability Power system

–> Two standby generators besides main PDB Line

–> Ensure N+1 redundancy in Cooling, Power system